Multichannel Performances, Installations, exhibitions & SOundwalks (selected recent)
11/2024 - Nocturnal Wanderings (showing of work in progress) CAVE2 UniSC, Sunshine Coast, Australia
10/2024 - 'Beyond the Branches' Audio Walk, 10th Annual Australasian Bat Night, organised by Sunshine Coast Council, in collaboration with Bernice Wood
07/2024 - Strange Weather exhibition, UniSC Art Gallery, curated by Megan Williams and Leah Barclay, Sunshine Coast, Australia
07/2024 - ISEA Everywhen, supported by PRS Foundation's International Showcase Fund
07/2024 - Timber Festival, Eyrie stage, curated by Jason Singh
06/2024 - 'we went outside and it's the entire earth' exhibition, Open School East, curated by Beatriz Lobo Britto
05/2024 - Nightscapes at Re-UP! Late, Royal Academy of Art
04/2024 - Soundscapes & Movement, w/ David Kam, The Space to Come at Royal Academy of Art
02/2023 - Artist talk at Kindred House, Margate
11/2023 - Quench Gallery, Margate
10/2023 - Fulldome Festival at CultVR Lab
06/2023 -  Aqueduct 2, collaboration with Antony Lyons presented at the Watershed exhibition, MAC, Birmingham
06/2023 - Windmills of Lapua played at SMC 2023
05/2023 - Sounds of Mmabolela played at The British Library, Late at the Library: Calls of the Wild event DJ set by Jason Singh
04/2023 - AMOK, Artefact Projects, live set
03/2023 - Listening Pasts, Listening Futures, World Forum for Acoustic Ecology Conference 2023
03/2023 - Guest Artist at MANTIS Festival, Manchester

04/2024 - Soundscapes & Movement, w/ David Kam, The Space to Come at The Royal Academy of Art
06/2023 - Soundscapes for Well Being, Sound UK
05/2022 - Binaural Soundscapes listening session for The Space To Come
03/2022 - Birmingham Soundwalk for The Air We Breathe
02/2021 - Collaboration with Antony Lyons
04/2021 - Sound Explorers for The Barber Institute of Fine Arts w/ Emma Margeston
02/2021 - Binaural Soundscapes for the We're All Bats Listening Channel
07/2024 - R|Artist Residency: Natural Ecologies, Australia
10/2022 - Wave Field Synthesis Residency at A&E Labs
04/2022 - Strings & Tins No Fixed Media participant
02/2022 - Composer in Residence, University of Greenwich, Sound/Image research group
07/2021- Barry Truax Summer School on the Handbook for Acoustic Ecology
08/2019 - Artist in Residence at Vanha Paukka Cultural Centre, Lapua, Finland
04/2018 - CAMP experimental composition and performance w/ Eli Keszler
11/2017 - Sonic Mmabolela field recording residency w/ Francisco Lopez
07/2016 - Orford Ness field recording residency w/ Chris Watson & Jez Riley French
RELEASES / RADIO / online (recent)
07/2023 - Disruptive Frequencies released with NonClassical
10/2022 - Paddabolela on Post-Geography with Pablo Diserens, NTS Radio
03/2022 - Limpopo on Kate Carr's mix, Foxy Digitalis
03/2022 - IKO and Women in Technology Audiozine, The Sampler
09/2021 - Paddabolela on BBC Radio 3 Late Junction
09/2021 - Sounds of Mmabolela on :zoviet*france: radio show on Resonance FM
09/2021- Sounds of Mmabolela released on Flaming Pines
07/2021 - Nocturnal Insights in Luke Fowler's From My Window show on Clydebuilt Radio
07/2021 - Nocturnal Insights in the World Listening Day 2021 24-Hour Stream
06/2021 - Field recordings in The NTS - Field Recording Infinite Mixtape
03/2021 - Field recordings in Luke Fowler's Everything is Permitted show on Clydebuilt Radio
Course Tutor at Open City Docs, UCL (1 academic year)
Associate Lecturer at Anglia Ruskin University (3 academic years)
Associate Lecturer at the University of Birmingham (5 academic years)
Guest Lecturer at Trinity Laban Conservatoire, The University of New Haven, Oxford Brookes University, University of Westminster, BCU
Fellow of The Higher Education Academy
HEFI Horizon Award

successful funding applications / REsearch projects
2024 - PRS Foundation's International Showcase Fund
2022 - AHRC Exploring Cultural Diversity in Sound participant artist
2021 - 2022 - The IKO Speaker and Environmental Sound, DYCP Arts Council England Funded Project with The University of Greenwich
2016 - 2019 - University of Birmingham Music Scholarship (increased annually)
2017 - 2019 - University of Birmingham PG Research Fund (received annually for individual applications)
2018 - Fat Out fully funded for CAMP residency

2023 - Leah Reid Award in Music Technology, International Alliance for Women in Music
2023 - Sound Generator Artist, Sound UK
2022 - Sound and Music New Voices Seed Award
2021 - Ivor Novello Composer Award Nominee in the Sound Art Category
2021 - Sound of the Year Awards Honourable Mention in the Composed With Sound Category
2020 - Phonurgia Nova Nomination for the Soundscape / Field recording category
2020 - Sound and Music Francis Chagrin/Covid-19 Award
publications / features / PRESENTATIONS (selected)
Sheth, N. 2023. Windmills of Lapua. Proceedings of the Conference of the World Forum for Acoustic Ecology. Atlanta Center for the Arts, FL, March 23-26, 2023. Acoustic Ecology, 1 (1). Available at:
06/2022 - Women in Spatial Sound - Working with the IKO Loudspeaker at Rethinking the History of Technology based Music conference at The University of Huddersfield w/ Angela McArthur, Emma Margetson & Brona Martin
03/2022 - Composing with the IKO, talk with Angela McArthur at Trinity Laban
09/2021 - Fifteen Questions Interview
11/2020 - Notam Women in Arts & Technology Talk - Sounds of Mmabolela
10/2020 - Pitea Performing Arts Biennial Artist Talk
Sheth, N. 2018. Paddabolela in The Global Composition 2018, edited by Sabine Breitsameter and Cansu Karakiz, 470 - 473. Hochschule Darmstadt.

07/2023 - Disruptive Frequencies Review in The Wire Magazine, issue 475, Electronic Sound Magazine, issue 103, The Quietus, Sound and Silence, Planet Hugill, Ransom Note and more
10/2021 - Sounds of Mmabolela Re-release Album Review in The Wire Magazine, issue 453
01/2021 - Sounds of Mmabolela Album Review in The Wire Magazine, issue 443
07/2021 - Field Recording Assistant for Annie Mahtani at BiFOR, Staffordshire
Extensive experience using the following microphones: DPA 4060 & 4061, JrF contact mics, JrF hydrophones, Sennheiser Ambeo, various MS arrays, Sound Devices 744T, Zoom F8, Tascam 44WL
Experience building microphones such as LOM Priezor and DIY bat detector
Experience working in multichannel, ambisonics, YouTube's spatial audio and binaural formats
Proficient using Reaper, Izotope rx6, Audiosculpt, Pro Tools, GRM Tools and more

04/2022 - Multichannel Sound Design for Faye McCalman's Invisible Real
09/2017 - 09/2018 - Technical Assistant to BEAST (multichannel studios and diffusion system)
- including BEAST FEAST 2018, CrossCurrents 2018: NME Concert, Postgraduate Concert 2017 & 2018 and BEASTdome: Pantry session and Footsteps concerts
- this includes setting up multichannel speaker layouts, setting up performance spaces, calibrating speakers, checking audio playback equipment, running the Supercollider code and running concert rehearsals
02/2018 - Sound and Projection Desk Operator for Crosscurrents: NME, Barber Institute of Fine Arts
2013 - 14 - Rigging team for various events at the University of Birmingham 2016-19 and the University of Manchester
2024 - OSE x Nikki Sheth x Shortwave Collective
2021 - CAMP Radio Show, Nikki Sheth: Fields of Sound
2021 - BEAST FEaST: Recalibration Festival Assistant (collating and curating works alongside Festival Director)
2020 - Ten Acres Radio Hour of Brum Radio featuring SOUNDkitchen works
2017 - 2018 - BEASTdome: Postgraduate Concert, 2017 & 18
2016 - 2019 - MiniBEAST sessions
2014 - The Weather Project
2013 - Late Night Opening of the Vivarium at Manchester Museum

03/2021 - BEAST FEaST: Recalibration Music Submissions
2019 - ICMC papers
02/2018 - WISWOS Reviewer for ‘Celebrating Women in Sound’ call
05/2017 - Art Reviewer for ISSTA International Sound Festival
Open School East
UK & Ireland Soundscape Community
University of Greenwich Sound/Image Research Group
Wildlife Sound Recording Society
World Forum for Acoustic Ecology
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